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Strategy - prospective

Project creation, founder Sixtine Dubly

Le Collectif de la Fleur Française

Association, 2017-2020


Journalist and author Sixtine Dubly links the emergence of Anglo-Saxon horticultural movements to that of a new look at the Flower in art and creation, in particular through an art of the Living, ecological, scientific and citizen questions. She initiates and supports the creation of an association inspired by English models to federate a nascent horticultural revival.


Association of law 1901, Le Collectif de la Fleur Française aims to develop and promote reasoned flower cultures in France by creating a network and tools dedicated to the needs of its members. It informs the public about France's horticultural dependence and its ecological repercussions, the cultivation of local and seasonal flowers.

Presse (sélection)  :

Sauvons la fleur française, Charlotte Leloup, Paris Match, 04.04.2019

L’éclosion du Slow Flower, Virginie Seguin, Le Journal du dimanche,18.08.2019

Slow Flower, Sybille Grandchamps, Air France Madame, mars 2019

​La fleur est le végétal le plus gourmand en eau et en pesticides, Weronika Zarachowicz, Télérama, 13.11.2018

La fine fleur de l'horticulture en circuit court, Le Monde, Anne-Sophie Novel, 10.11.2018

En toutes occasion privilégiez les fleurs locales et de saison, Libération, Florian Bardou, 03.11.2018

Slow Flower pour survivre privilégiez les fleurs locales et de saison, Mariam El Kurdi, France Inter, 31.10.2018

Le printemps des fleuristes, Sixtine Dubly, AD, 17/01/2019


Voir : Stratégie-Prospective Ladurée, Programmation culturelle, commissariat, La Résidence Artistique Horticole​​

Texts and photos cannot be reproduced - copyright SIxtine Dubly


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