sixtine dubly
Cultural programming- exhibition curator
Activation of the work of Joachim Mogarra, Sixtine Dubly
Wild wheat / Perpetual bouquet
MECA, FRAC New Aquitaine, Bordeaux
"By choosing to pick wild grasses, inherited from the Neolithic period, before the beginning of agriculture, I want to emphasize the preciousness of these nameless herbs that run along the roadsides. Of these intellectually and physically free seeds, uncatalogued and non-genetically modified. Grain herbs that have the power to act through mixing, fertilization and migration, against the deadly entropy of cultivated populations. A documented fact, which has on us repercussions of the order of impoverishment, increasingly worrying, whether they are visual, auditory, nutritional or psychological." Sixtine Dubly
Wild Wheat is an activation of Joachim Mogarra's work, Bouquet perpétuel (1988) conceived as a protocol by the artist in a letter addressed to his gallery owner: "Bouquet péripetel is composed of a bouquet of flowers arranged in a vase, possibly placed on a base. Its particularity lies in the choice of the vase, the base and the flowers by the exhibition curator. Its maintenance is entrusted to the institution that hosts it. Joachim Mogarra thus affirms a form of delegation of the artistic gesture to a third party, according to a protocol defined in a letter that has the value of a contract. In a letter to Jean-François Dumont, his gallery owner, in 1988, he specifies: "I thought about this bouquet on the way back and I believe that maintaining it daily will give it a much more important dimension. […] The bouquet can vary according to the seasons and the mood of the people assigned to its maintenance. It can be a superb ikebana or a simple bouquet of poppies, as desired. walks. He says that the artistic gesture is an everyday commitment, a mission and a quest that we inherit, that we work on, that we bequeath. Perpetuation of the common work, idea of solidarity and Edenic vision of the world… The fact of being several to maintain it has for me a relationship with the gesture of passing the Olympic flame, that of laying one's stone in the common edifice, or even the relay race… ". This work is the reflection of those who give it its existence, a sort of "self-portrait".
Opposite: cattail reeds, wheat, poppies, carrot flowers, grasses