sixtine dubly
Cultural programming - Exhibition curatorship
Commissioner, Sixtine Dubly
Epiphyte, floral dialogue
September 7-14, 2019, Artcurial, Paris
Invited to dialogue with artists from the 19th and 20th centuries, Sixtine Dubly proposes to explore the notion of epiphyte, a co-habiting, non-invasive species that feeds on trace elements in the treetops where it settles. From this intelligence of the Living, the curator retains an ecological aesthetic of exchange, of collaboration, a desirable future.
It is to the florists, with seasonal plants from horticulturists from the parisian countryside that she entrusts the task of giving life to this epiphytic utopia by creating, through floral dialogue with the works, a hybrid creation, a third work.
This highlighting of flowers is part of the curator's approach to take a new look at a subject that has been accessorized for more than half a century. The plant performances celebrate a Flower that is both vital and an artistic matrix.
Artists : Alberto et Diego Giacometti, Lucio Fontana, Ettore Sottsass, Théodore Géricault… Florists : Rica Arai, Pierre Banchereau, Claire Boreau, Louis-Geraud Castor, Thierry Feret, Jefferson Fouquet, Catalina Lainé, Majid Mohammad, Le Collectif de la Fleur Française avec Freya Roberts-Todd.
Exhibition booklet, english
Presse :
We are racing yacht not ocean liners, Emma Crichton-Miller, Financial Times, 21.09.2018
La fleur de l’art, Dorane Vignando, L’Obs, 6.09.2018
Epiphyte et céramique, Armelle Malvoisin, Le Quotidien de l’Art, 11.09.2018
Une exposition vivante, un bouquet pour une œuvre, Anne Sollier,
Nathalie Jérôme, Le Figaro, 7.09.2018
Artcurial s’ouvre au Flower Power, The Art Newpaper Daily, 13.09.201
Opposite from top to bottom, from left. right : Louis-Géraud Castor. Catalina Lainé . Claire Boreau. Photo. Lola Hakimian