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Literature - art

Art, writing residency, Sixtine Dubly



Domaine du Rayol, Garden of the Mediterranean (83)




In April 2023, the Domaine du Rayol, Jardin des Méditerranées, welcomed an artist in residence whose project is closely linked to gardening and botanical know-how, and to the expertise of a team dedicated to the Mediterranean plant heritage of the Domaine du Rayol, spread over 20 hectares, and owned by the Conservatoire du Littoral.


“Gardeners have this ability to disappear into the plant. This fusion of bodies, imagined, has always fascinated me. I supposed that they had developed faculties, a language, from the bond that is theirs, notably through gestures and tools. Their vocabulary borrows from medicine, death, life, humor. During my residency, I worked on the lexical field of contact, relationship, attachment and its ambiguity, which is specific to any relationship between living beings. I observed them, I touched, scratched, pinched like them. We exchanged around the transplanter, the rake and their daily interpretation of Gilles Clément's landscapes.”

While its designer, landscape gardener Gilles Clément, designed the Domaine du Rayol, Le Jardin des Méditerranées, as a place of continuous emotions and experimentation, Sixtine Dubly started from the premise that this garden was also a friendly outpost of plants and humans. She was inspired by Gilles Deleuze's* definition of friendship, which evokes perception and charm to detect, feel and tell what is exchanged and linked, without being quite said, between plants and gardeners. The artist has gardened herself in this plant wake. She designed her residency around the lexical field of the gardener and took tools and gestures as a fulcrum. She places the gardener and his expertise at the center of her writing residency. This volatility of friendship, which escapes us, and opens up a new vision of Flora, is also the subject of a ceramic work that the artist is carrying out in parallel.


*"Friendship is a matter of perception, it is not based on common ideas, but on a common pre-language. There is a great mystery there (...), a perception of charm. Charm is a gesture, a thought before it becomes meaningful, a modesty, these are sources of charm that go to the vital roots. That is how you become someone's friend."



*Gilles Deleuze's ABCs, interviews with Claire Parnet, directors

Pierre-André Boutang, Michel Pamart, 1988-1989.


See: Art-Literature - Rustic Woman, Rustic Series

Texts and photos cannot be reproduced - copyright SIxtine Dubly


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