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Editorial Board, Sixtine Dubly


Facets Magazine

- Saint-Louis crystal factory



Created at the request of the Saint-Louis crystal factory, the Facettes magazine aims to promote its excellent craftsmanship and the magic of a centuries-old factory located in the hidden Vosges forest.


The magazine deciphers the manufacturing professions, deciphers the challenges of creation, the environment and society, gives a voice to guest designers and artists, and solicits external perspectives, engineers, anthropologists or philosophers.


Each issue is orchestrated around a prism that links creation, know-how and territory:

n °9, La Phantasia - on the art of imagination through light

No. 8, The two suns - on the energy question

No. 7, Meteoric Waters - on the water cycle in manufacturing


Editorial Committee, Jérôme de la Vergnolle, Céline Sanchez,

Frederique Dupeyron, Sixtine Dubly

Editor-in-chief, texts, Sixtine Dubly

Artistic direction, Anne Lhomme, Maud Laurent

Graphics, Lysiane Bollenbach.

Broadcast, French, Chinese, Japanese, English


With contributions from Alexis Armanet, Delphine Chanet, Guillaume Garat, Nicolas Héron, Jean-Philippe Mesguen, Paul Rousteau, Tadzio, Benoit Tellier, Maxime Verret, Charles Nègre, Nyslo, Jingfang Hao & Lingjie Wang, Paul Rousteau, Jonas Marguet, Hugues Micol, Lola Moser, Joseph Schiano di Lombo, Vincent Darré, Dorian Astor, Kiki Van Eijk & Joost van Bleiswijk, Noé Duchauffour Lawrence, Pierre Charpin Melody Thomasson, Design Academy Eindhoven, Marta Gili, ENSP Arles, Lamia Ziadé, Arnaud Dubois, Rica Arai, Pierre Marie, Stéfania di Pétrillo, Patrick Neu, Office National des Forêts (...) and the manufacturing teams.


References (selection) : Fagart&Fontana architects, Le Bon Marché heritage, Le Bon Marché exhibitions, 4BI, Assouline, Veuve Clicquot, Orient Express, Publicis, Peclers, Assouline, Actes Sud.


See: Editions Assouline , editions Actes Sud, journalism


Texts and photos cannot be reproduced - copyright SIxtine Dubly


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