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La Tentation des fleurs

Editions Assouline, 271 pages, 2016, French, English, reissued 2019 


Journalist and art critic, Sixtine Dubly investigated the return of flowers abroad and the emergence of the Living in contemporary art. La Tentation des fleurs hypothesizes an artistic revolution through the earth, from a culture of still life to that of living nature.


For about ten years, Anglo-Saxon countries have begun a horticultural renaissance that makes visible once again the essential role of flowers in our ecosystems. The book traces in parallel the place of flowers in the history of art and its current metamorphosis by artists and creators (fashion, gastronomy, perfume). An ongoing floral evolution that takes up the thread of a French art of living largely shaped by the flower, crossing yesterday, as tomorrow, its artistic vision and its horticultural richness.urnaliste et critique d’art,

26.05.2016, ​conversation about flowers at Bon Marché: Sixtine Dubly invites Alexandra Fau, exhibition curator and art critic, Pierre Banchereau, florist, Maison Debeaulieu, florist, Eric Trochon, chef and Meilleur Ouvrier de France, le Sémilla.


01.12. 2016, dedication at the Musée du Luxembourg, Fantin-Latour exhibition 


Presse :

Talking Flowers at Le Bon Marché, Laure Guilbault,, 30.05.2016

La fleur fait sa révolution, Sixtine Dubly, Paris Match, 19.05.2016

Révolution florale, Clara Le Fort, Air France Madame, juin 2016

Flowermania, Nathalie Dolivo, Elle, 02.12.2016, Fleurs séchées, 24.11.2017

Folie fleurie, Dorane Vignando, L’Obs, 30.06.2016

A fleur de peau, Paula de la Cruz, Air France magazine, juillet 2016

Texts and photos cannot be reproduced - copyright SIxtine Dubly


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